Tune Book

The following analysis is based on the abc string that is in the textarea at the bottom of this page.

Number of Tunes

It might be useful to know in advance how many tunes are in a tunebook before rendering them:

Get Tune Info

The following assumes you've created a TuneBook object like this:

var tuneBook = new ABCJS.TuneBook(tunebookString)

Extract Tune by ID

If you know the ID, then you can use the following to get a particular tune in a tunebook. The id is the value in the X: field.

Extract Tune by Title

If you know the title, then you can use the following to get a particular tune in a tunebook. The title is the value in the first T: field.

Get all Tune Info

You can directly access the array of tunes in a tune book with:

var arrayOfTunes = tunebook.tunes;

Get all measures separately

To parse the string and return each measure:

var measureArray = abcjs.extractMeasures(tunebookString);

Test Data

Paste in any ABC you want here and see how that affects the analysis above:

Last Updated:
Contributors: Paul Rosen